Product design
Promo website
Secured more clients & partners
Secured investments
2020 - 2022

By doctors, for doctors In this ideology, the aim was to develop an internal software solution for doctors to streamline their documentation tasks, along with an app for patients to easily access the medical treatments they need. I served as the lead UX/UI designer, crafting the interfaces and addressing any other design requirements.

A complete set of tools to simplify medical screening process
The primary objective was to swiftly identify and address the major IT challenges encountered in daily healthcare, particularly how outdated software adversely affects a doctor’s workflow efficiency.
I joined the team as a full-time employee to pinpoint the issues and devise a digital solution. Several projects were initiated to tackle these challenges:
1. An internal application designed to streamline doctors' tasks
2. A patient-facing app for easy screening
3. Branding solutions to support these products.
The focus market was in The Netherlands at first, then had plans to make the products global.


Clean, friendly & minimal interactions in the interface
Our aim is to ensure that everything doctors need for screenings is digitized and easily accessible on their screens, replacing the outdated systems currently in use. At the same time, we want to simplify the process for patients seeking medical assistance.
So, we have two main challenges to tackle:
1. Allow patients to complete their screenings with just a few clicks.
2. Enable doctors to finalize screenings efficiently with minimal effort.
We conducted surveys with healthcare professionals and patients to understand their preferences for a medical application. We also explored the challenges doctors face with the current system before moving forward with the design.
We decided to implement a straightforward questionnaire-style interface for patients, while providing doctors with all the necessary information right on their screens on the other receiving side.


Deployment to all platforms & start a pilot in several clinics
We wrapped up the product and launched it across all platforms, with several medical clinics in the Netherlands eager to participate in the pilot. Following that, we focused on enhancing the interfaces based on the feedback we received. Each platform had its own unique needs and challenges, and we made sure to address them all.
We used React native to build the app, and Tailwind CSS within the solid.JS framework for the web applications.
We made a questionnaire-style walkthrough for the users to get easy treatment in several clicks.
A glimpse at our first wireframe & the user map made from our user research

On the receiving end at the doctors, we have a full intuitive dashboard for the doctors to receive the patient complain & give medication accordingly.

The initial version has been a great success, and we were thrilled with the positive feedback from our users!
The pilot program achieved remarkable success with its initial version, and the subsequent launch exceeded expectations.
Key outcomes include :
1. Eight innovative medical clinic approaches were developed for the pilot program.
2. Six clinics adopted the complete software suite.
3. The company secured four new investments.
4. Our solution was proudly showcased at TedX Netherlands in 2022.

Lastly, we created a promotional website using Webflow.

Addressing more issues doctors face & include them in the next iterations.
The first version was a hit! The company aimed to keep growing by providing our product exclusively to clinics for their internal use, as it proved to be more profitable. However, the next step in our vision is to launch it publicly across the Netherlands, and eventually take it global!